Why we changed the name?
What is the difference between Families of the Missing and IFFAMPAC ? FOM ?
Families of the Missing is the new name for IFFAMPAC / FOM. We are no longer bound to missing person cases resulting from armed conflict and can work directly with families in addition to family associations.
What does IFFAMPAC / FOM stand for?
International Federation of Family Associations of Missing Persons from Armed Conflicts
What does Families of the Missing do?
We unite families and family associations worldwide providing a global support network. We act as a link to other NGOs and governmental agencies to address the social, economic, and legal problems that surviving family members face. We meet and negotiate with governmental officials to provide information on missing persons, and work on behalf of families to develop favorable national judicial reform to address the surviving family needs.
Doesn’t the UN or the Red Cross address family concerns?
Both of these organizations provide aid to large numbers of people after conflicts or catastrophes. Families of the Missing’s focus is different. Families of the Missing is a federation comprised of the families themselves. Individual surviving families need help to stay together and rebuild their lives. Because these families are relatively dispersed, they do not attract the attention of major institutions. Families of the Missing represents these diverse families and makes their voice heard in a way which the large international operations do not.
Is Families of the Missing part of a government?
No. Families of the Missing is a 501(c)(3) private charity.
Who are “The Missing”?
Anyone in the wrong place at the wrong time can become a missing person; Victims of armed conflict, human trafficking, natural disasters, kidnapping, political prisoners can all be missing persons.
Why are Family Associations important?
Family Associations advocate more effectively than individual families for reform and protection. They coordinate education and training opportunities for surviving families members allowing them to contribute in a meaningful way to their communities.
Why support Families of the Missing?
We represent families, and become their voice. We enable them to sustainably help themselves, while also applying pressure on the authorities to negotiate on their behalf with governments. We have a unique understanding of the overall problems that families face. This enables us to represent them at forums such as the United Nations, international conferences with governments, agencies and NGOs.