United Nations A/65/285
General Assembly
Distr.: General
12 August 2010
Original: English
Sixty-fifth session
Item 69 (b) of the provisional agenda*
Promotion and protection of human rights:
human rights questions, including alternative
approaches for improving the effective enjoyment
of human rights and fundamental freedoms
Missing persons
Report of the Secretary-General
In its resolution 63/183, on missing persons, the General Assembly requested
the Secretary-General to bring the resolution to the attention of all Governments,
competent United Nations bodies, specialized agencies, regional intergovernmental
organizations and international humanitarian organizations and to submit a
comprehensive report on the implementation of the resolution, including relevant
recommendations, to the Human Rights Council at its relevant session and to the
Assembly at its sixty-fifth session. The present report has been prepared in
accordance with resolution 63/183.
To see the full report click here –Report of the Secretary General
Below is an excerpt Where IFFAMPAC (Families of the Missing) is cited by the Secretary General of the UN for our role concerning Missing Persons
64. International cooperation to locate, identify and repatriate persons missing as a
result of violent conflict and human rights violations should be strengthened through
organizations such as the International Commission on Missing Persons, which
provide advanced technical assistance and policy frameworks responding to the
obligations of Governments in this regard, and through associations of victims’
families, such as the International Federation of Family Associations of Missing
Persons from Armed Conflicts which is an international federation of the families of
the missing from armed conflicts that works globally on behalf of the families to
address and help to resolve the multi-faceted issues of missing persons and their
surviving families post-conflict. These bodies have a major role to play in
international cooperation on the issue of missing persons.